Saturday 5 October 2013

Obj shocked over son’s rumoured death

Obj shocked over son’s  rumoured death
From Moshood Adebayo,  Abeokuta
Amid confusion that trailed yesterday’s  plane crash by the  chartered flight of the Associated Airlines in Lagos, former president Olusegun Obasanjo, was thrown into temporary shock yesterday as the rumoured death of his son, Gbenga filtered the town of Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.
The sad news, which later turned out to be false, came through the social media and left many residents of Abeokuta depressed.
The chartered aircraft was conveying the remains of former governor of Ondo State, Dr Olusegun Agagu, some of his family members and others to Akure when it crashed, killing many on board.
Obasanjo was in a photo session with primary schools pupils, who had attended a leadership training programme for young leaders, held at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL), Kuto in Abeokuta when the sad news came through a telephone call. The attention of journalists covering the event was drawn to the sudden change of the former president’s countenance.
During  the conversation with his caller, which lasted few seconds, Obasanjo, who was apparently disturbed asked his caller in Yoruba “Gbenga wo; o wa ni Abuja’’  (which literarily means which Gbenga?”
He is in Abuja. He ended the conversation and managed to pose for  photograph and minutes later, whispered into the ears of  Prof. Akin Mobogunje, the chairman of the Centre for Human Security of the (OOPL), which organised the ceremony.

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