Saturday 12 October 2013

National Assembly Goes Spiritual; Plans Prayer Session To Avert Plane Crashes, Terrorism

National Assembly Goes Spiritual; Plans Prayer Session To Avert Plane Crashes, Terrorism

Senator Ita Enang
Senator Ita Enang
Following incessant terror attacks and plane crashes in the country, the National Assembly has said a prayer session will hold later this month, to seek God’s intervention.
Disclosing this at a news conference in Abuja yesterday, Chairman, Publicity Committee of the National Prayer Breakfast of the National Assembly, Senator Ita Enang, noted that against the backdrop of a myriad of problems confronting the country as an entity, the national assembly is set to seek the face of God for spiritual solutions to the problems.
Enang, who is also Chairman, Senate Committee on Business and Rules, said the prayer session would focus especially on the unending security challenges ravaging the Northeastern part of the country over the last three years and other problems facing the country.
The National Prayer Breakfast is an annual event organised by the National Assembly to bring together Nigerians of all faiths, tribe and creed to seek the face of Almighty God for divine solutions to the myriad of problems confronting the nation.
He noted that the National Prayer Breakfast, with the theme: “God in the lives of national leaders for development,” would feature Pastor John Enelamoh, who would give the key note address to “help in pulling down all walls and vices blocking the growth of the nation in the right direction.”
He said: “The 2013 National Prayer Breakfast, seeks to build bridges of unity, national harmony and progress.
“Through the instrument of our faith, we prayerfully pull down all walls and vices that divide us as a nation and provoke the spirit of patriotism and love among Nigerians necessary to propel Nigeria to her rightful place in the comity of nations.”
He added that the prayer conference, which would have in attendance President Goodluck Jonathan, the leadership, management and members of the National Assembly with their counterpart in the judiciary as well as members of the diplomatic corps, would be spiritual avenue for God to guide the leaders of the nation right.
He said: “We hope that as every well-meaning Nigerian join us at the prayer conference, the prayer to God of all creation, to direct our noble cause, guide our leaders aright, help our youths to know the truth and build a nation where peace and justice reign, shall definitely be answered.”

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